Below you will find (what we thought were) interesting little tidbits of
information about 1CrowsNest, that you may find amusing in one way or another.
For the most part they are random and unrelated but nonetheless w think that
they will be interesting to some.
Where did we get the name
"1CrowsNest"? - Well, because our church is "Lighthouse" Baptist Church
we do like nautical themes around here. As we thought along those lines someone
came up with "crows nest." It seemed very "punny" to us:
The person in
the crows nest of a ship was the first to get and process new information...
person in the crows nest of a ship was far above the masses on the deck below,
and was the one to keep them informed...
Along a different line, many people
are always "crowing" about this or that to someone else... (aahhum
(The little black crow icon tied to our web address is
our webadmin's idea. When he thinks of a crow's nest it has more to do with
pesky birds, and the word "pest" seems to come up a lot)
Where is
1CrowsNest located? - That is a good question! Our social network is a
ministry of the Lighthouse Baptist Church which is located in Ashtabula Ohio.
(That would be the northeast corner of the state - right on Lake Erie - for
those who may not be aware). However, our social network site as well as our
regular website are hosted by IFB Technologies, which is located about an hour
or so outside of Denver, Colorado. To contact IFB Technologies you can call
Jeremy Kennedy at (970)-373-4147 or by Email at (We have been very
Where did the neat logo and graphics come from?
- These were actually specially designed for us by "wookiedesign" ("Wookie" is
actually a nickname). Wookie's real name is Jonathan (his shirt size is usually
a medium for polos, and for button-up shirts he has a collar size of 17),
Jonathan and his wife are both graduates of Pensacola Christian College (where
they both majored in graphic arts). A "fun" part of this fact for us is that
Wookie is actually Pastor and Judy Jones nephew. To contact wookiedesign you can
Email him at (Again, we have been very pleased)
Who actually designed 1CrowsNest to make it fit your needs? -
When we started on this project at our church it fell (okay it was tossed...
shoved... handed... whatever) into the very capable hands of Mr. Denwood Ross
III. He had done an incredible amount of work on this project to get it off the
ground before he moved. The current "Super Admins Mr Michael DeMoss ." and
maintains the current upgrade of 1Crowsnest. The Webmaster that maintains the
site is Mr. Rob Brown.
Help for this endeavor has even come from China -
Most crow's nest members will never see this side of our work, but the
underlying client database for our members was designed by Justin Jones (one of
the sons of Pastor and Judy Jones), who accomplished this task for us while
teaching in a university in Chang Chun, China (Which is about four hours by
train -I think - northeast of Beijing).