This is the portal page for a social networking site
like no other. We are truely excited that you are here!
1Crowsnest is one of our exciting ministries at Lighthouse Baptist Church. This
site is the only Conservative Christian, Independent Baptist network, that we
know of, and is designed for the members of our church and those of like faith
outside of our church. 1Crowsnest is 100% monitored and totally safe for all
those who enter the “Nest”. At 1Crowsnest, all can interact in a secure
environment where conservative, Godly principals are ensured. Those who join
can make a member profile, keep up to date with friends, chat, blog, post and
share music and videos, enjoy spirited debate on timely topics, create a forum
or group, keep up with missionaries all over the world, and so much more.
We are confident that even Christ himself would not be ashamed of what is posted
here, nor would he be ashamed to be a member of this site. If you would like
more information,
click here. If you want a tri-fold brochure, giving you even more
click here.
If you think that you can handle it......... come on up to the "Crow's Nest."